About Me

I am Sophie Rolf and I run East Anglian Guinea Pig rescue in the UK.

With hundreds of guinea pigs coming in and out of our self-funded rescue each year, I am keen to educate and inspire pet owners to give the best lives to the guinea pigs they adopt. For too long, guinea pigs have been confined to 3' hutches outside in all weathers. We would like to change that for the better.

It is not a matter of spending a fortune, in fact with some resourcefulness, you can self-build a much larger living area than is available commercially, and for less money.

We aim to bring together a community of guinea pig lovers across the world that can help to inspire others to think beyond the hutch.

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Two's Company!

As far as guinea pigs go, most people usually know that they are better off in pairs or groups as they are sociable animals who thrive with ...